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Office hours and public holidays

The Embassy’s opening hours for visitors are 10:00 – 13:00 (Greek time). You may call the Embassy at the office hours, i.e. Monday to Friday 09:00 – 15:00. 

In case of a severe emergency outside office hours, your telephone call will be directed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ 24/7 Operation Centre in Copenhagen.

The Embassy is closed on the following days in 2025: 



Greek/Danish holiday

Wednesday the 1st of January

New Year's Day

Greek and Danish holiday

Monday the 6th of January


Greek holiday

Monday the 3rd of March Clean Monday Greek holiday
Tuesday the 25th of March Greek Independence Day Closed
Friday the 18th of April Good Friday Greek and Danish holiday
Monday the 21st of April Easter Monday Greek and Danish holiday
Thursday the 1st of May International Worker's Day Closed
Monday the 9th of June Whit Monday Greek Holiday
Friday the 15th of August Dormition of Virgin Mary Greek Holiday
Tuesday the 28th of October Ochi day Closed
Wednesday the 24th of December Christmas Eve Greek and Danish holiday
Thursday the 25th of December Christmas Day Greek and Danish holiday
Friday the 26th of December 2nd Day of Christmas  Greek and Danish holiday
Wednesday the 31st of December New Year's Eve  Greek and Danish holiday